During 1933, a dedicated group of Bondi citizens worked through the year towards the formation of a bowling club and their foresight culminated in the Foundation Meeting on 19 December, 1933, at which the Bondi Bowling Club was founded.
Foremost among this group were Norman Thomas (later Foundation President and local MLA), Dr. T.F.Brown, Rupert O’Brien and F.A.E. Thom.
To build the clubhouse and greens, three thousand pounds was borrowed through Waverley Council from the Unemployed Relief Fund.
On July 25, 1935, the clubhouse was opened by Hon. E.A. Buttenshaw, Minister for Lands, and on November 16, 1935, the greens were officially opened by Hon. B.S.B. Stevens, Premier – at the same time the building was handed over to the club by Alderman D. Hunter, Mayor of Waverley.
First game of bowls played on Bondi greens was on Boxing Day, 1935. There were 59 Foundation Members from the December 19, 1933 meeting.
Extensions to the clubhouse were completed in December 1938, and further improvements in 1954, with celebrations to commemorate Bondi Bowling Club’s 21st birthday and the official opening of the improved clubhouse.
In January 1971, members authorised the introduction of the Bondi Women’s Bowling Club.
The various achievement boards show the bowling attainments of Bondi members over 75 years.